im ready for my
aligned clients!

So, you've felt "the pull" of your Secret Sauce...and you've said YES. 

you can feel you're meant to make big magic happen in the lives of others.

however, the clients aren't popping up left and right.

specifically, aligned SOULMATE clients*

luckily for you, that can be the easiest part if you choose to believe.

im ready for my aligned clients!

your next clients don't care about: 

- your coach title
- a niche
- how many followers you have
- a certification
- a fully built out program

they just want to know you can help them.

let me help you help them.

Module #2: Aligned Client Transformation

Module #1: Dance With Your Magic

Four 90 min. PRE-RECORDED video calls hosted by Tiffany:

let's make magic

Module #4: Secrets to Sacred Sales

Module #3: Magnetic Instagram Energy

get ready to access a once-in-a-lifetime offer!

*includes both teaching & hot seat coaching

your brain's been lying to you. 

you don't need more of ANYTHING to start working with aligned clients.

you're ready NOW.

Before I launched my coaching business, I was convinced I could never be successful without:
  • loads of time (I am a single mama and college student)
  • years of experience (I started with little experience!) 
  • a profitable niche (I trusted what I knew to be enough)

Turns out that was exactly where I needed to be.

Through being focused on serving my clients and trusting my magic, I gained experience, confidence, AND the exact knowledge I needed to improve.

Through coaching hundreds of students (many of which have since quit their day jobs!) and who felt doomed in the beginning stages, I can tell you that there’s nothing so uniquely fucked up about you that prevents you from being a successful six figure (& beyond) coach. 


hi, I'm Tiffany!

im ready for
my next level!!!!

When I knew I was meant to be a coach, there was a period of time where I was ready. to. go!!! 

I knew what I wanted to do, I knew I was still just starting out, but ready to hit the ground running. 

except.......where were my clients? Where do I go to "find" them? How could I *convince* them to work with me? 

I was asking myself the wrong questions. 

There IS a way to attract aligned soulmate clients without hunting them down, or being in convince-y energy (which can feel repelling, you may have been on the receiving end of it at one point or another)

- learn to attract soulmate clients without dipping into the hustle
- work with clients who are aligned to your vision as a coach
- become more confident as a new coach sharing your magic with the world
- learn the art of intentional thinking and how it impacts your revenue, clients and all results
- learn to create a coaching process + offer even with an ADHD brain
(hint: that's going to be your superpower)
- discover YOUR unique coaching style without strict "should's" or made-up business rules
- learn to find beta (practice) clients to build experience and confidence, and receive feedback!
- learn to make intentional, money-making decisions in your business without being consumed by mind drama
- show up online as YOU and own your magic without constantly obsessing over what people may think

who is ACP for?

P.S: If you've been wanting to join Business Activation Academy, there is an exclusive enrollment bonus for those who join Aligned Client Playground ;)

P.P.S: I've never launched a live mini course like this and may not for a loooong time. If you've been wanting to work together and attract your soulmate clients, this is your chance!

what you'll get out of ACP:

I'M IN!!!!


1 payment of

energetic exchange

im ready for
my next level!!!!

I am so glad you asked!!!

Sales are the oxygen to your business. 

Unfortunately, due to societal programming and the way we've demonized money, attracting clients, closing them on sales calls- even saying your price out loud can start giving you the SHAKES. 

I hear you. 

I WAS you! 

I used to never post my prices, my stomach would sink when I would get to the part of the sales call where I would share the price, and even then- I would LOWER THE PRICE just so they would say yes!!! 

We have SO many internal beliefs and reservations about asking for & receiving money, attracting our most aligned clients, and they all stem from our THOUGHTS. 

this is why I teach the energetics of business.

When we are not in energetic alignment, we aren't able to fully receive the result we want. 

even if a smallllll, subconscious part of us wants to:
- stay broke to fit in with our friends
- not be "too successful" so others don't feel bad
- play small because we're scared of what our parents will think

....this will leak allllllll over our marketing, sales conversations, and the energy that our clients can feel. 

I will teach you how to release these energetic holds and help you move into your next embodiment as a coach/service provider/business owner/badass human!!!!!!

tiff, why should I join this
pre-recorded mini course?

P.S: If you've been wanting to join Business Activation Academy, there is an exclusive bonus for those who join Aligned Client Playground ;)

P.P.S: I've never launched a mini course like this and may not for a loooong time. If you've been wanting to work together and attract your soulmate clients, this is your chance!

im ready for my aligned clients!

YOU! Aligned Client Playground is a magical fun zone for service providers, coaches (and those in the making) who are serious about signing their next aligned clients!

And willing to do this through learning about the energetics behind it, doing the thoughtwork, and incorporating manifestation techniques.

A sacred container of 4 pre-recorded video calls for coaches to learn how to:

- sign more aligned clients
- designing a coaching offer
- learning to market your program online to attract aligned clients

get ready to access

who is ACP for?

what is ACP?

open yourself as a vessel to allow your magic to be birthed through you

discover your unique Secret Sauce as a coach
(what is the magic you're meant to bring to the world?)

Module #1: Dance With Your Magic

identify the 3 core beliefs to attract your most aligned clients & intentional vs. unintentional thinking to drive RESULTS

includes an exclusive Energetic Opening Reiki Ritual on the video!*

begin to design the unique coaching process for your clients for their highest transformation YOUR way

Module #2: Aligned Client Transformation

get clarity on your offer! love it, price it, learn how to talk about it and successfully SELL it

learn how to create 10/10 belief and confidence from scratch and attract (not hunt down) your aligned clients!

learn to make invitations and work with beta (practice) clients!

become a magnetic ICON on Instagram to attract your aligned clients like magic

Module #3: Magnetic Instagram Energy

learn to create content and create demand effortlessly (without any of the hustle!)

the energetics behind sacred selling (that GETS you the sale!!!)

uplevel your money mindset in your business and life via energetic attraction

Module #4: Secrets to Sacred Sales

learn how to sign clients with EASE so that you never discount your prices or worth again

I'M IN!!!!


1 payment of

energetic exchange

this could be YOU!

“I maxed out my 1-1 program, started group coaching and quit my job, only 2 months after Tiffany's teachings!!
I cannot thank her enough!”

-asia h.

kind words

im ready for my aligned clients!

If you made it down this far on the page, you were drawn to this program for a reason. I may never launch a mini course like this again, so if you are being called to be inside this container, honor it. 

There is something on the other side that's waiting to be birthed from you.

Place your hands over your heart and breathe into the decision. Do you feel lit up? Butterflies? Sparkly inside? 

There's your answer. ;) 
See you on the inside!

I'M IN!!!!


1 payment of

energetic exchange