be first to know about updates
 & applications when they open this month!

applications open: February 27th, 2023

Join the waitlist!

Here is EVERYTHING you need to know about the Magicmind since you're on the waitlist and you like to be in the know cause you're my type of person!

frequently asked questions


6 full months, may -October 2024.

We will kick it off with an in-person 3-Day training April 2024 in
oakland, ca.

How long is Magicmind?

Applications will be open for Early Enrollment December 11-15th, 2024

and February 12-16th for Official Enrollment for May 2024 Class.

When do applications open for Magicmind?

Magicmind is an advanced mastermind container for coaches, healers, online instructors & mentors.

You will create a custom map to creating the money YOU desire in your business and become an expert in selling and organic marketing to YOUR unique audience for YOUR unique offer.

Our focuses are: deconditioning from patriarchy/capitalism/wounded hustle, creating intentional beliefs, clear marketing, and compelling sales. This process is what turns on the faucet to CASH.

You will be expected to show up and make decisions as your highest self. You will be held to a higher expectation than any container you've been in before, and mark my words, it WILL create massive results in your business.

You are not just a coach that got lucky or had "fluke" results. You will have full clarity on your business.

You're stepping into this room to become an abundant + confident CEO.

What will be covered inside Magicmind?

Let's make something really crystal clear.

You will be joining Magicmind not to access my brain, my energy, or my wisdom.

You will be joining Magicmind to access YOUR brain. YOUR energy. YOUR wisdom. YOUR direction. YOUR inner guidance. YOUR magic!

This is not another mastermind where you are paying to ‘pick my brain’. Yes, sure. I teach tons of things that'll massively blow your mind and uplevel your sales revenue and business.

However, the REAL embodiment occurs when you are guided to access an inner wisdom within yourself (the basis of my coaching)- when you strengthen your inner compass, your decision making skills, and ability to deeply care for your mind, body, and spirit. THIS is what creates generational change.

We will be approaching business through:
- strengthening the mind (thought work & reframing subconscious beliefs)
- dropping into your body (somatics, regulating your nervous system, connecting to your inner wisdom)
- honoring your spirit (consulting and partnering with the Spirit of Your Business, your spirit guides, and through manifestation)

We will be actively decolonizing and de-conditioning traditional wounded masculine rules of business.
We WILL be working hard and implementing structure, processes, and strategy.

But we will NOT be doing it in the name of self-betrayal, for the sake of productivity, for capitalistic values, or to burn ourselves into the ground.

You will meet yourself in a way that'll change you forever.
You've never seen it done this way before.

What are Magicmind's values?

1. Between December 11-15th, you will send your application in.

2.  We will send you an acceptance email if you've been selected!

3. The acceptance letter will include a secret link to hop on a sales call with me so you can ask questions, discuss intentions for Magicmind and ensure it's the RIGHT move for you & your business.

4. After the call, you will have 48 hours at most to pay the $10K in full OR first installment the payment plan.

*The 48 hour deadline is strict to keep this process flowing easily and ensure everyone who is serious about a seat at this table gets one.

What is the process to be accepted?

You must decide to get what you came for. 

You will get 3 Live Calls each month, 1 Focus Group Call each month, and you are able to set up peer coaching calls with your peers anytime throughout the Mastermind. 

On our private Slack workspace, you can ask for coaching anytime! You will be supported in this container. You will even receive the coaching you need without raising your hands on the calls, and just watching the call replays back or reading the coaching on Slack.

You will ALWAYS get exactly what you need when you decide.

How much support will I receive inside Magicmind?

The investment to Magicmind is $10K.

There are payment plans available for Early Enrollment. 

What is the energetic investment?

Magicmind is a mastermind container designed by a woman of color for women of color. A mastermind setting means you won't just be coached by me like in a regular group coaching setting, you will be coached & supported by every magical soul selected to enter this space. Conversations and coaching will look DIFFERENT here.

This is the elevated level that takes you into 6 figures, cleans up your processes, keeps things simple in your business, removes any blockages or resistance (logistically and mindset-wise), and brings you home to yourself.

You will become so sure of who you are, and who you are becoming.

I wanted an intimate container who is ALL IN in their business that would meet weekly who wants me in their corner holding them accountable, pointing out blind spots to fast-track your success, & sharing my behind-the-scenes launch secrets, flowy magic, sacred structure, and teach you to turn on the faucet for sales.

If you desire to make six figures in 2024, this is the room to be in right here.

🌟 Why did you create Magicmind?🌟